SQUARE BOTTLE, stoneware with caramel glaze

Date1 Joseon dynasty
Date2 17th-18th century
Height (cm) 26.6
Width (cm) 13.0×13.0
Weight (g) 2,680
Collection The ATAKA Collection
Credit Line The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka (gift of SUMITOMO Group, the ATAKA Collection), photograph by 〓(Please credit the name of the photographer which is indicated at the bottom left of each image)
Accession No. 00947
Description Caramel glaze contain slightly fewer iron oxide than black glaze, resulting in producing a lighter color. Unlike regular square bottles, this piece was made from a cylindrical bottle, having its sides trimmed with a spatula. The vigorous yet careful execution of the trimming produced such an exhilarating form. Caramel glaze became popular around the 17th century especially in the provincial areas, and later in the 19th century onward, various beveled bottles began to appear. This one seems to be an earlier piece, displaying an unpretentious taste.
